Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Little Earthquakes

I have taken a very long break from blogging, and not for lack of things to write about. It truth, there is so much going on in my life right now that I do not know where to start.

I liken the past 4 months of my life to little earthquakes, though some call it a soap opera. I have been dealing with multiple events, each one rocking me to my core. Most of these I won't discuss here, they are very private matters and I do not want to share them in a forum like this.

Those I can tell you about are that my mom was diagnosed with Schleroderma, pulmonary fibrosis and schlerosis and is now undergoing chemo. So far she has been doing really well and has not had a bad reaction to the chemo! Also, Ryan no longer works at the winery but has a wonderful prospect on the horizon (more to come on that as it develops) and already has multiple guest chef dinners lined up at different wineries in Paso Robles. He was also recent featured in Central Coast Magazine as a Top Scoring Chef in their Iron Chef competition.

I am having hip surgery on Friday 5-23. I will be out of work for 2 weeks but when I return, I will be transferred to the Paso office which means no more comuting and a lot more money!!

We have had 2 sets of foster children. I can't go into the details but they have enriched our lives even in the short period of time that we had them and we are looking forward to our next placement! We are also considering adoption...

The kids have been wonderful! Riley is playing baseball and is one month away from finishing first grade. He finished his first series of motocross racing and has been doing fantastic!! Bella is taking gymnastics once a week and we are starting her in dance after she turns 3 in July. She also starts preschool at the end of August.

So, I appologize for the absence, and I hope you can understand that this has been the hardest few months of my life. Luckily, I am beginning to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. And what a sweet sight it is!

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