My passion is photography. It has been since I was 10 or so. It is what I majored in in college and what I WISH I could be doing for a career. But, for now, my real day job pays the bills and I just do photography on the side.
I love getting feedback on my website so any you have would be greatly appreciated!
Yesterday I did a quickie photoshoot with my nephew, Chase. He is absolutely beautiful so it was not hard to get good shots of him.
Here are some of the better shots I took yesterday. I haven't had time to go into photoshop and really edit them yet. I need to tone down the shine on his cheeks, take away some drool, get rid of some red eye, etc. I will do that in the next week or so. I like to play around with fun effects on the photos so I have included some that are SOOC (straight out of the camera) and some that have fun/ funky effects. Let me know what you think!